I was excited to see that Yes was coming to the Wisconsin State Fair this summer. Would this be the time that I finally see them perform live? After all, they aren't getting any younger. Most of the band was born in the 1940's. In fact, Jon Anderson will be 70 years old next year. But wait, Jon Anderson isn't in the current lineup. How could that be? The voice of Yes is sitting out this current tour? Is this another case of the band waiting for the singer to get around to playing live, like Journey did with Steve Perry? No, this is not the case. Let's take a moment to see why the band is on the road with another "Jon." This time it's Jon Davison taking the role of lead vocalist.
Davison is 41, and was singing in a Yes tribute band back in 2005. He has the vocal chops to pull off those high notes, and found his way into the "real" band without a true "tryout." That was 2012, and the touring members of Yes were a hodgepodge of accomplished musicians, but only one true original member was on the list. That was Chris Squire. This go round, Steve Howe and Alan White make up part of the band. Having three original members on this tour will certainly bring out a few more die hard fans. Will they warm up to Mr. Davison? Here is a clip of his handiwork. You decide.
What happened to Jon Anderson? Anderson suffered from a pretty serious respiratory illness starting in 2008. The band just couldn't wait for Anderson to get well. In their defense, Anderson was out of commission for nearly four years. Prior to that, Yes was on the road more than one would think. Those aged rockers were keeping up a tour schedule better suited for musicians 25 years younger. Anderson wasn't really thrilled with that. His last project was a duo affair, featuring Rick Wakeman on keyboard. That was back in 2012. Anderson hasn't completely shut the door on future reunions. He would love to be standing on stage with Yes when (or if) they ever get inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Until then, we Yes fans will have to make due with guys like Jon Davison, a man who can certainly hit the high notes.