What Summerfest Marcus Amphitheater acts will you go see, and do you have your tickets yet? Will it be the teen-age girl attracting John Mayer, will it be Ludacris, will it be the old farts known as Styx, and the ever annoying Foreigner? For me, it would have to be Roger Waters, or Tool. Panic at the Disco is a total pass, no interest in that one at all. Perhaps my 15-year-old nephew would like that show. Toby Keith, the war whore is out. Bon Jovi is not my style, but that band has the dedicated fan base that will buy tickets. Any musician would love to have that many fans. The Fray with OK Go, is a lightweight in my opinion. Steely Dan would be one of those shows that would be ok if it were on a side stage, and the sun were still up and you had a huge pile of food in front of you. That would be a good warm-up show for the band you really want to see that night. I'll comment on the side-stages once they are fully booked.
WMM out.
The band Good Luck Joes is going to be playing summerfest at the US Cellular stage. Check em out- they're releasing a new EP as well. In fact, let me know if you would like this new EP, I'll be more than happy to send it to you!
Saw the Roger Waters show Monday. It was awesome! Wondering what happened to "the Pig"?
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